EPD067 HIV risk behaviors and psychosocial factors among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Kuala Lumpur MalaysiaE-posterGay men other men who have sex with men
EPD068 Injectable PrEP for HIV prevention: perspectives from men who have sex with men and health system stakeholders in Ontario, CanadaE-posterGay men other men who have sex with men
EPD069 Acceptability of sexual orientation disclosure interventions in primary care surveyE-posterGay men other men who have sex with men
EPD070 Exploring the perceived risks that come with being a man who have sex with men while seeking HIV services in COVID-19 era, a qualitative study done in Nairobi-KenyaE-posterGay men other men who have sex with men
EPD071 Navigating the gaps between initiation and treatment of MSM clients through the use of case managersE-posterGay men other men who have sex with men
EPD072 Evidence of considerable HIV prevention and care need among a large sample of bisexual men: findings from the 5-country Asia-Pacific MSM internet surveyE-posterGay men other men who have sex with men
EPD073 Associations between HIV and sexual stigmas, and mental health and alcohol use among MSM newly diagnosed with HIV in India: a longitudinal observational cohort studyE-posterGay men other men who have sex with men
EPD074 The determinants of HIV test seeking behaviour among sexual and gender minorities: findings from a large-scale global survey from more than 160 countriesE-posterGay men other men who have sex with men
EPD075 Longitudinal impact of stressful life events on HIV risk and psychosocialproblems among MSM in Chennai and Mumbai, IndiaE-posterGay men other men who have sex with men
EPD076 Location-based dating platform intervention (LBDPi) is an effective model in reaching high-risk MSME-posterGay men other men who have sex with men
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