EPB020 Know your numbers: a catalyst to improve viral load coverage in Western Region of GhanaE-posterViral load and CD4 monitoring
EPC410 Key population led primary care services integrates HIV and STI testing into comprehensive annual preventive health assessmentsE-posterIntegration of HIV testing with other services
EPE221 Key population and local government-led social contracting in Vietnam: a pathway to expanding coverage of publicly-financed HIV servicesE-posterApproaches to achieving sustainability, including sustainable financing for civil society
EPE227 Key communities change national budgetsE-posterApproaches to achieving sustainability, including sustainable financing for civil society
EPD255 Kenyan women's preferences, expectations, and experiences with male partner support during pregnancy in the context of prevention of mother to child transmission servicesE-posterCouples- or family-centred approaches
EPB090 Kaposi sarcoma in ART-treated PLWH and HIV-uninfected people: differences in viral and immune characteristicsE-posterMalignancies (AIDS and non-AIDS)
OAD0302 'Just like you would with an STI or HIV': sexual risk mitigation during COVID-19 among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBM) in CanadaOral abstract session with live Q&ASocial and behavioural aspects and approaches to COVID-19
EPB209 Joint evolution of CD4 and viral load trajectories over 2 years in an early-treated pediatric African cohortE-posterCure strategies in paediatric and adolescent populations
EPLBC03 Jitegemee (rely on yourself): acceptability and feasibility of a personal savings intervention to reduce HIV risk among female sex workers in Kisumu and Siaya Counties, KenyaE-posterHIV prevention services for key populations
EPD476 Jamaican Network of Seropositives (JN+) Community Facilitators' Deployment Programme (CFDP)E-posterPeer support: Lessons learned, access to services and health outcomes
1141 - 1150 of 2485 items