EPD255 Kenyan women's preferences, expectations, and experiences with male partner support during pregnancy in the context of prevention of mother to child transmission servicesE-posterCouples- or family-centred approaches
EPE227 Key communities change national budgetsE-posterApproaches to achieving sustainability, including sustainable financing for civil society
EPE221 Key population and local government-led social contracting in Vietnam: a pathway to expanding coverage of publicly-financed HIV servicesE-posterApproaches to achieving sustainability, including sustainable financing for civil society
EPC410 Key population led primary care services integrates HIV and STI testing into comprehensive annual preventive health assessmentsE-posterIntegration of HIV testing with other services
EPB020 Know your numbers: a catalyst to improve viral load coverage in Western Region of GhanaE-posterViral load and CD4 monitoring
EPC212 Knowledge of and willingness to take PrEP in Zimbabwe ' an analysis of the Zimbabwe Population-based HIV Impact Assessment (ZIMPHIA) 2020E-posterScale up of PrEP
EPD375 Knowledge of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis and antiretrovirals preventive potential of among migrant women in French GuianaE-posterMigration and HIV
EPC062 Knowledge of Kaposi sarcoma among oncology and HIV providers in KenyaE-posterEpidemiology of AIDS events (e.g., AIDS-related opportunistic infections and cancers)
EPD023 Knowledge syntheses of stigma: a needed umbrella reviewE-posterKnowledge translation and dissemination of research and programme outcomes
EPD011 Knowledge translation of research findings: community interpretation of the results of the Positive Perspectives 2 survey of unmet treatment needs among people living with HIV in AustraliaE-posterKnowledge translation and dissemination of research and programme outcomes
1341 - 1350 of 2485 items