EPE413 MMD facilitates continuity of treatment and viral suppression for PLHIV during COVID-19 ' experience from military facilities in UgandaE-posterImpact of COVID-19 on HIV treatment services
EPE169 Mobile clinics improve HIV testing, ART initiation and treatment continuation among female sex workers in Nampula Province, MozambiqueE-posterDifferentiated service delivery for HIV testing, prevention and treatment
EPD174 Mobile technology access and use among youth in Nairobi, Kenya: implications for mobile health intervention designE-posterYoung key populations
EPD028 Mobility and HIV transmission across three urban communities in Zambia: using qualitative data to interpret phylogenetics in a mixed methods analysis of HPTN 071 (PopART) dataE-posterMixed methods, integrated approaches and synergies in HIV research and intervention
EPD373 Mobility is associated with ART interruptions among men in Malawi: a mixed-methods studyE-posterMigration and HIV
EPD235 Mobilization of transwomen cultural groups through festivals for gender affirmative services to enhance HIV screening in Pune, IndiaE-posterCommunity-based approaches (including empowerment, outreach and service delivery)
EPF086 Mobilizing feminist groups, WLHIV networks, and diverse civil society to influence 2021 HLM on AIDS and Post HLM to safeguard the gains for advancing a gender-transformative HIV responseE-posterSexual and reproductive health and rights
EPD233 Mobilizing key populations (KP) in demand generation of HIV services and community-led monitoring (CLM) through community journalism: the Ripples experienceE-posterCommunity-based approaches (including empowerment, outreach and service delivery)
EPA066 Mode of interaction of CD4-CD4i antibody hybrids to HIV-1 envelope glycoproteinsE-posterARVs, small molecules and immunomodulating agents - pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
EPC143 Modeling HIV infections averted by treating urban, adult Zambian women at high-risk for HIV and female genital schistosomiasisE-posterModelling the impact of prevention strategies on the HIV epidemic
1491 - 1500 of 2485 items