EPE145 Should a pill a day keep the doctor away? Re-examining assumptions about frequency of sex and continuity of PrEP useE-posterInnovations and lessons for supporting HIV prevention effective use and treatment adherence
EPE146 TAFU Community intervention model, the magic bullet to reaching the last child living with HIV in communities, a case of Kyenjojo DistrictE-posterInnovations and lessons for supporting HIV prevention effective use and treatment adherence
EPE147 Structural barriers to ART adherence: lapses in healthcare coverage by health insurance status among MSM living with HIVE-posterInnovations and lessons for supporting HIV prevention effective use and treatment adherence
EPE148 Moving from biomedical HIV prevention to 'V ineka that, that, that!': early insights from implementing 'V' in ZimbabweE-posterScaling up services for adolescents and youth
EPE149 Applying the HIV prevention cascade to a large-scale combination HIV prevention programme for adolescent girls and young women in South AfricaE-posterScaling up services for adolescents and youth
EPE150 Making a case for adolescents and young people HIV programming Nigeria: an assessment of returns on investmentE-posterScaling up services for adolescents and youth
EPE151 Examining the barriers to and facilitators of implementing Friendship Bench delivered by peers for adolescents living with HIV in BotswanaE-posterScaling up services for adolescents and youth
EPE152 Barriers to HIV and STI services access among Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Nigeria: A Cross-sectional StudyE-posterScaling up services for adolescents and youth
EPE153 Social network strategy improves access to HIV services for key populations in a legally restrictive environment: findings from Lusaka ZambiaE-posterDifferentiated service delivery for HIV testing, prevention and treatment
EPE154 "We used to fear going to clinics but now health services have been brought close to us" Perceptions and experiences of key populations in Zambian with access to community-based delivered PrEPE-posterDifferentiated service delivery for HIV testing, prevention and treatment
1541 - 1550 of 2485 items