EPD081 Tracking condom use trends among sexual minority men in the U.S. since 1988: a systematic review of pride event surveys and nationally representative dataE-posterGay men other men who have sex with men
EPD082 Mixed-methods investigation of intersectional HIV, same-sex behavior, and gender non-conformity stigma experienced and internalized by MSM at health facilitiesE-posterGay men other men who have sex with men
EPD083 Attitudes, knowledge and worry about HIV in HIV-negative men who have sex with men in the era of Undetectable=UntransmittableE-posterGay men other men who have sex with men
EPD084 Making meaning of methamphetamine use among sexual minority men living with HIVE-posterGay men other men who have sex with men
EPD085 Use of alternative treatments for HIV and ART defaulting among MSM living with HIV in Accra, GhanaE-posterGay men other men who have sex with men
OAD0303 Syndemic factors and sexual risk behaviors among men who have sex with men in Guangzhou, China: a latent variable structural equation modeling approachOral abstract session with live Q&AGay men other men who have sex with men
OAD0304 Characterizing substance use typologies and their association with sexual risk behaviors: a latent class analysis among men who have sex with men in MexicoOral abstract session with live Q&AGay men other men who have sex with men
OALBD0105 Assessing stigma as determinant of HIV and sexually transmitted infections among sexual minority men in the United States in 2021 from the American Men's Internet Survey (AMIS)Oral abstract session with live Q&AGay men other men who have sex with men
PELBD02 Implementation of the first PrEP counseling and adherence protocol in a country with high need for and low access to biomedical HIV preventionPoster exhibitionGay men other men who have sex with men
EPB130 Associations of frailty with cardiovascular disease risks in older people living with HIVE-posterFrailty
1661 - 1670 of 2485 items