EPD467 Ending discrimination in the workplaceE-posterHIV and the workplace: Policies, responding to stigma and/or discrimination, unemployment, return to work and rehabilitation
EPD468 Trade Unions contribute to the development of non-discriminatory workplace policies for workers living with HIVE-posterHIV and the workplace: Policies, responding to stigma and/or discrimination, unemployment, return to work and rehabilitation
EPD469 Old driver, new insight: the perspective of Spanish-speaking drug users on HIV and overdose preventionE-posterLiving with HIV and co-infections and/or co-morbidities
EPD470 Self-care in the time of reduced in person consultations: experiences of patients' self-management of HIV, hypertension and diabetesE-posterLiving with HIV and co-infections and/or co-morbidities
EPD471 The mental health of people living with HIV: prevalence and associations of depression, anxiety and stressE-posterLiving with HIV and co-infections and/or co-morbidities
EPD472 Prevalence and co-occurrence of symptoms of mental disorders and substance use among people with HIV aged >40 years in low- and middle-income countries in the Sentinel Research Network of IeDEAE-posterLiving with HIV and co-infections and/or co-morbidities
EPD473 Household decision-making power and symptoms of depression, anxiety and PTSD among people with HIV in CameroonE-posterLiving with HIV and co-infections and/or co-morbidities
EPD474 High risk behaviour and syphilis co-infection among people living with HIV in Mumbai, India ' Need for comprehensive interventionsE-posterLiving with HIV and co-infections and/or co-morbidities
EPD475 Associations of mental health disorders and substance use with detectable viral load by sex among older adults with HIV from low- and middle-income countries, the Sentinel Research Network of IeDEAE-posterLiving with HIV and co-infections and/or co-morbidities
EPD476 Jamaican Network of Seropositives (JN+) Community Facilitators' Deployment Programme (CFDP)E-posterPeer support: Lessons learned, access to services and health outcomes
1731 - 1740 of 2485 items