EPF143 Accelerating the efforts to end HIV in the United States: the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' prioritiesE-posterPolicies addressing social and economic determinants of vulnerability
EPF139 Access to pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention among young people aged 15-24: a global policy reviewE-posterPolicies regarding HIV services and programmes
EPF140 The Australian Community Accord on Quality of Life for People with HIV ' an agenda for action to achieve good quality of life for people with HIV by 2030E-posterPolicies regarding HIV services and programmes
EPF141 Monitoring the development of HIV policy at the sub-national level through Indonesia policy labE-posterPolicies regarding HIV services and programmes
EPF142 Maternal HIV testing after first ANC visit: country guidelines and implementationE-posterPolicies regarding HIV services and programmes
EPF145 Increasing patient access to improved ART regimens through Vietnam's Social Health Insurance drug list with modeling dataE-posterPolicies related to treatment access (including intellectual property policy)
EPF148 On the way out of HIV treatment refusal in China: a mixed-methods studyE-posterPolicies supporting increased demand, uptake and retention of key populations for HIV services and programmes
EPF149 "RIPOSTE - the voice of key populations": towards a better valorization and recognition of the role and status of peer educators of key populationsE-posterPolicies supporting increased demand, uptake and retention of key populations for HIV services and programmes
EPF150 Engaging and empowering LGBTQand PLHIV multicultural communities, to increase access to services and encourage health seeking behaviorE-posterPolicies supporting increased demand, uptake and retention of key populations for HIV services and programmes
EPF151 COVID 19 Lockdown policies leading to late presenters, co-morbidities and delayed initiation to ART ' Need to re-shape HIV services policies during COVID lockdownE-posterPolicies supporting increased demand, uptake and retention of key populations for HIV services and programmes
1791 - 1800 of 2485 items