EPC313 Potential end-user and community-level perspectives on new biomedical HIV prevention methods in ZimbabweE-posterOther new HIV prevention tools
EPC312 Food security reduces multiple HIV infection risks for adolescent mothers and non-mothers in South AfricaE-posterStructural HIV prevention interventions
EPC311 A systematic review of technology-based interventions promoting sexual health outcomes of adolescents and young people (10'24 years) in sub-Saharan AfricaE-posterInnovative behavioural prevention interventions
EPC310 Prevention of HIV among convictsE-posterInnovative behavioural prevention interventions
EPC309 Real-time monitoring andjust-in-time interventionfor adherence to pre-exposure prophylaxis among men who have sex with men in China: a multicentre RCT studyE-posterInnovative behavioural prevention interventions
EPC308 Partner notification for persons diagnosed with HIV/STIs in community pharmacies in Uganda: lessons learned for future HIV/STI control interventionsE-posterInnovative behavioural prevention interventions
EPC307 Refining POSSIBLE: a multicomponent intervention to increase HIV risk perceptions and PrEP initiation among Black Sexual Minority MenE-posterInnovative behavioural prevention interventions
EPC306 Engaging parents to create an enabling environment for young people's PrEP use: developing and field testing a new tool to supplement family strengthening programsE-posterInnovative behavioural prevention interventions
EPC305 Impact of Option B+ combination antiretroviral therapy on mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1, maternal and infant mortality rates; a 24-month prospective follow-up study at a primary healthcare clinic in Harare, ZimbabweE-posterPrevention of vertical transmission
EPC304 Role of disclosure, stigma, discrimination on ART adherence among people living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa: a qualitative systematic reviewE-posterPrevention of vertical transmission
1821 - 1830 of 2485 items