PEMOC46 Attrition from antiretroviral treatment among adults in Mozambique, 2015-2019Poster exhibitionStrategies to improve early retention in care (first year on ART)
EPD083 Attitudes, knowledge and worry about HIV in HIV-negative men who have sex with men in the era of Undetectable=UntransmittableE-posterGay men other men who have sex with men
EPC482 Attitudes of PLHIV in Greece towards COVID-19 vaccinationE-posterCOVID-19 prevention
EPC317 Attitudes and Beliefs regarding an HIV preventive vaccine among sexual and gender minorities in BrazilE-posterOther new HIV prevention tools
PESAE01 At risk in the emergency department: can the electronic health record identify patients with indications for PrEP?Poster exhibitionImplementation science of scaling up prevention (including PrEP)
PESAE09 Asynchronous prescribing of ART and antihypertensives results in frequent clinic visits despite multi-month dispensing of ART in MalawiPoster exhibitionScaling up access to models of integrated services (HIV, hepatitis, STI and other services, such as harm reduction, SRHR, gender affirming care, TB, NCDs and mental health)
EPD475 Associations of mental health disorders and substance use with detectable viral load by sex among older adults with HIV from low- and middle-income countries, the Sentinel Research Network of IeDEAE-posterLiving with HIV and co-infections and/or co-morbidities
EPB130 Associations of frailty with cardiovascular disease risks in older people living with HIVE-posterFrailty
EPC337 Associations between service readiness and PMTCT cascade effectiveness: a 2018 cross-sectional analysis from Manica province, MozambiqueE-posterFacility-based HIV testing strategies
EPB105 Associations between quality of oral health, HIV status, oral health practices and mental health status among adolescents in Nigeria: a cross-sectional studyE-posterOther non-communicable diseases
2221 - 2230 of 2485 items