EPD014 Top-down approach: using community adult educators to disseminate HIV/AIDS informationE-posterKnowledge translation and dissemination of research and programme outcomes
EPC101 Toward achieving the 95-95-95 targets among key populations in Eswatini: results from an integrated bio-behavioral surveillance surveyE-posterSurveillance of HIV in key populations
EPC347 Towards HIV epidemic control: Social Network Strategy as a testing modality to reach underserved key populations for HIV testing and prevention servicesE-posterPeer-led HIV testing strategies
OAF0305 Towards more inclusive and feminist approaches in HIV programming evaluations: transforming principles into practiceOral abstract session with live Q&AForegrounding accountability within the HIV response
EPD081 Tracking condom use trends among sexual minority men in the U.S. since 1988: a systematic review of pride event surveys and nationally representative dataE-posterGay men other men who have sex with men
EPD468 Trade Unions contribute to the development of non-discriminatory workplace policies for workers living with HIVE-posterHIV and the workplace: Policies, responding to stigma and/or discrimination, unemployment, return to work and rehabilitation
EPB037 Traditional healers are 'part & parcel' on fight against TB'. Lesson learnt, Ruvuma region, TanzaniaE-posterTuberculosis: Prevention, diagnosis, treatment
OAF0202 Trained community peers enhance access to justice, response to violence, discrimination and structural inequities for LGTBiq+ communities in IndiaOral abstract session with live Q&ASexual- and/or gender-based inequalities, inequities and violence
EPE422 Training adaptations to address quality improvement in PEPFAR-supported Latin America programs in the era of COVID-19E-posterOptimizing HIV services (prevention, testing and/or treatment) in the COVID-19 era
EPD151 Trajectories of depressive symptoms and HIV-related sexual behaviors among adolescent girls and young women in Rural South Africa (HPTN 068)E-posterYoung key populations
2291 - 2300 of 2485 items