EPD508 Access to HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) during early COVID-19 pandemic in the Republic of IrelandE-posterCOVID-19 social distancing and curfews: Implications for access to HIV care
EPF159 Access to HIV care and treatment before and during the COVID-19 pandemic for Venezuelan migrants in four urban settings of ColombiaE-posterImpact of COVID-19 on HIV risk and HIV care among refugees, migrants, asylum seekers and internally displaced persons
EPD512 Access to HIV and sexual healthcare during COVID-19: gay and bisexual men's experiences during concurrent epidemicsE-posterCOVID-19 social distancing and curfews: Implications for access to HIV care
EPD285 Acceptance-based, intersectional stigma coping intervention for people with HIV who inject drugs: an RCT in St. Petersburg, RussiaE-posterInterventions to reduce stigma and discrimination
EPC207 Acceptance of HIV home self-testing to follow-up PrEP users from a community center in Barcelona. A response to the pandemic-related barriers to maintain prevention programs and scale up PrEP usageE-posterScale up of PrEP
EPE436 Acceptability of televisits implemented during COVID-19 among adults living with HIV in ChicagoE-posterOptimizing HIV services (prevention, testing and/or treatment) in the COVID-19 era
EPD069 Acceptability of sexual orientation disclosure interventions in primary care surveyE-posterGay men other men who have sex with men
PEMOD55 Acceptability of raltegravir granule use for neonates diagnosed with HIV at birth by healthcare workers and caregivers in Zimbabwe: A qualitative analysisPoster exhibitionExperiences and impacts of antiretroviral therapy
EPC224 Acceptability of long-acting injectable prep administration by health workers in Kampala, Uganda; a cross-sectional studyE-posterScale up of PrEP
EPD103 Acceptability of injectable cabotegravir versus daily oral TDF/FTC for PrEP: lesson from HPTN 084E-posterSex workers
2371 - 2380 of 2485 items