EPF115 Healing together through common threads ©: combatting trauma and stigma for better health outcomesE-posterStigma and key populations
EPF116 Hear us, see us, respect us: respecting the expertise of people who use drugsE-posterStigma and key populations
EPF117 Mistreatment experiences among sexual and gender minorities in Brazil: the burden of racism for BlacksE-posterDiscrimination and key populations
EPF118 Using the beauty pageant to fight HIV stigma and discrimination in UgandaE-posterDiscrimination and key populations
EPF119 The involvement of drug users in advocating for the improvement of their legal and social environment: the example of the Phoenix GroupE-posterDiscrimination and key populations
EPF120 Breaking silence: understanding administrative inclusion of LGBTQIA+ employees at Indian healthcare facilities and its impact on HIV/AIDSE-posterDiscrimination and key populations
EPF121 Factors associated with transphobia among travestis and transgender women in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: results from an open, prospective cohortE-posterDiscrimination and key populations
EPF122 Putting money where our mouth is: the importance of vastly scaled up support to stigma and discrimination reductionE-posterDiscrimination and key populations
EPF123 Violence and harassment among the key population in NigeriaE-posterPunitive laws and enforcement practices directed at or impacting on key populations)
EPF124 The impact of Ghana's proposed homophobic legislation on men who sleep with men and the LGBTQI community as a wholeE-posterPunitive laws and enforcement practices directed at or impacting on key populations)
2381 - 2390 of 2485 items