PEMOD57 How can text-messaging change the context of living with HIV and engaging with treatment in Iran: building a realist programme theoryPoster exhibitionConceptualizing social and structural factors and their impacts
PEMOD56 Risk, vulnerability, and protective factors for HIV and STI infection among adolescent girls and young women in West and Central Africa: pooled analysis of available Demographic and Health survey dataPoster exhibitionConceptualizing social and structural factors and their impacts
PEMOD55 Acceptability of raltegravir granule use for neonates diagnosed with HIV at birth by healthcare workers and caregivers in Zimbabwe: A qualitative analysisPoster exhibitionExperiences and impacts of antiretroviral therapy
PEMOD54 'I am a rural woman and living with HIV, how bad can it get?' Exploring the challenges of women living with HIV and AIDS on rural GhanaPoster exhibitionConfronting stigma: Lessons learned
PEMOD53 'My attitude towards my own journey changed the way others see me and treat me': insights from male peers living with HIV on challenging and changing stigmaPoster exhibitionConfronting stigma: Lessons learned
PEMOD52 It's time to think positive about HIV ' a strengths-based campaign to end HIV stigma from New South Wales, AustraliaPoster exhibitionConfronting stigma: Lessons learned
PEMOD51 HIV care continuum outcomes after transition from pediatric to adult carePoster exhibitionGrowing up with HIV: Specific needs and interventions for children and adolescents
PEMOC49 Strategies to support effective use of the vaginal ring and oral PrEP among adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa: qualitative findings from MTN-034/REACHPoster exhibitionMeasuring and enhancing retention and adherence in HIV prevention programmes
PEMOC48 Trends in HIV viral load testing and viral suppression in US HIV cohort, 2017-2020Poster exhibitionEffects of the COVID-19 on HIV epidemiology and prevention
PEMOC47 Contrasting COVID-19 and AIDS orphanhood ' How can AIDS inform this urgent need?Poster exhibitionEpidemiology of COVID-19
231 - 240 of 2485 items