EPD155 Next generation HIV stigma: young people's perceptions of PLWHIV in contemporary South AfricaE-posterYoung key populations
EPD321 'Things are easy and faster' - Client and healthcare worker experiences with Differentiated Service Delivery in western KenyaE-posterConceptualizing social and structural factors and their impacts
EPE291 PrEP Up! A quality improvement collaborative (QIC) to scale-up PrEP in health centers in Blantyre, MalawiE-posterGetting policies into practice
EPC319 Lactobacillus spp interaction with neat and formulated Griffithsin, a candidate for topical HIV preventionE-posterOther new HIV prevention tools
PELBA03 In-vitro/ ex-vivo contribution of antiretroviral drug and alcohol exposure to blood-brain barrier disruption: relevance to the pathogenesis of HIV-1 associated neurological disorderPoster exhibitionARVs, small molecules and immunomodulating agents - pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
EPF002 'I had a one-night stand and followed the law; it ruined my life.' Requirements to take reasonable precautions not an improvement on laws criminalising HIV non-disclosure: a case studyE-posterLaws and policies on HIV transmission, exposure, and non-disclosure
EPD272 'I feel they are left out of the discussion…' ' Perspectives of health practitioners on adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy among Persons with disabilities living with HIV in Nigeria using IntersectionalityE-posterIntersectional identities and multiple vulnerabilities to HIV and co-infections
EPA065 Ex vivo HIV suppression in foreskin tissue after oral dosing of F/TDF and F/TAF in young African malesE-posterARVs, small molecules and immunomodulating agents - pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
EPD134 Cisnormativity is a structural barrier to HIV and STI testing for transgender men who have sex with men in Ontario, Canada: a community-based qualitative studyE-posterTransgender people
EPC274 "You never know with one's husband, so this is important": Preliminary hypothetical acceptability responses to the Dapivirine Vaginal Ring for HIV prevention among Latina community clinic attendeesE-posterSexuality, gender and prevention technologies (including condoms, treatment as prevention, medical male circumcision, pre-exposure prophylaxis)
2461 - 2470 of 2485 items