EPE283 Uniting civil society to improve accountability and accessibility of HIV and TB service delivery: lessons learned from year one of community-led monitoring implementation in UgandaE-posterCommunity participation in systems for health, including community-led and key population-led health systems
EPE284 Implementation of Faith Community Initiative to engage faith leaders in HIV epidemic control interventions: experience of Institut pour la Santé, la Population et le Développement (ISPD) in HaitiE-posterCommunity participation in systems for health, including community-led and key population-led health systems
EPE285 Feasibility and effectiveness of using an electronic client feedback tool to improve HIV service quality at six high-volume health facilities in the Democratic Republic of the CongoE-posterCommunity participation in systems for health, including community-led and key population-led health systems
EPLBE05 Community and health services together to avoid interruption of HIV treatment during COVID-19 restrictions ' a person-centered and a low-cost initiative for antiretroviral delivery in Florianópolis, BrazilE-posterCommunity participation in systems for health, including community-led and key population-led health systems
EPLBE06 The National Inuit Sexual Health Network - an engagement model for effective health systems transformation across Inuit NunangatE-posterCommunity participation in systems for health, including community-led and key population-led health systems
PESUE26 Mapping opportunities for CSO financial sustainability through domestic funding access to ensure the continuation of HIV community-led response in IndonesiaPoster exhibitionCommunity participation in systems for health, including community-led and key population-led health systems
EPD205 Providing integrated and comprehensive HIV response (prevention and services delivery) to the marginalized population: a community-based approach by OGA Services 4U FoundationE-posterCommunity-based approaches (including empowerment, outreach and service delivery)
EPD206 Disclosure of HIV status among HIV positive women and other teen mothers, a vital procedure to preventing positive new borns/childrenE-posterCommunity-based approaches (including empowerment, outreach and service delivery)
EPD207 Generating demand for pediatric dolutegravir 10 mg: early lessons from Afrocab's development of treatment literacy materials and subsequent collaboration with national governmentsE-posterCommunity-based approaches (including empowerment, outreach and service delivery)
EPD208 Beyond clinical interventions: using a community-based social work delivery approach to support viral load suppression among children living with HIV in five countriesE-posterCommunity-based approaches (including empowerment, outreach and service delivery)
271 - 280 of 2485 items