EPB164 Switching to dolutegravir/lamivudine two-drug regimen: durability and virologic outcomes in routine U.S. clinical careE-posterRegimen simplification and switch studies
EPB168 Switching to Dolutegravir/lamivudine or Bictegravir/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir alafenamide. A comparative real-world studyE-posterRegimen simplification and switch studies
EPB161 Switching EFV/FTC/TDF to B/F/TAF or generic EFV/FTC/TDS in virologically suppressed adults with human immunodeficiency virus: a 96-week retrospective cohortE-posterRegimen simplification and switch studies
EPB112 Switching ART Regimens is associated with greater weight gain in people living with HIVE-posterWeight gain
EPE220 Sustaining the operations of Nigeria's treatment programme through the development of an ART management modelE-posterApproaches to achieving sustainability, including sustainable financing for civil society
EPE410 Sustaining clinic engagement and viral suppression through modifications to HIV care models during the COVID-19 pandemic: experiences in Uganda military health facilitiesE-posterImpact of COVID-19 on HIV treatment services
EPE336 Sustained viral suppression among HIV positive women through a robust peer approach in m2m countries during COVID-19 PandemicE-posterInnovative uses of data to strengthen systems and programmes
EPC057 Sustained HIV viral suppression among people living with HIV in Trinidad and TobagoE-posterRisk factors for acquisition, infectivity and transmission of HIV
EPE219 Sustainability of opioid agonist therapy (OAT) programsin 4 Eastern European and Central Asian countries in the context of transition from Global Fund supportE-posterApproaches to achieving sustainability, including sustainable financing for civil society
EPE206 Sustainability of community-based social services for key populations in Russia: problems and prospects of national investment programsE-posterNational financing analyses and financing mechanisms for HIV, hepatitis and STI programmes and services
401 - 410 of 2485 items