EPB153 Starting antiretroviral therapy (ART) at the first HIV-specialist appointment with or without baseline laboratory data with BIC/FTC/TAF (The BIFAST study)E-posterART in acute, first- and second-line therapies
EPLBB01 Standard versus double dose dolutegravir in patients with HIV-associated tuberculosis: a phase 2 non-comparative randomized controlled trialE-posterTuberculosis: Prevention, diagnosis, treatment
PESUE22 Stakeholders' perspectives on the financial sustainability of HIV response in NigeriaPoster exhibitionApproaches to achieving sustainability, including sustainable financing for civil society
EPA039 Spontaneous HIV control is associated with concentrations, and not the biophysical characteristics, of polyfunctional anti-Env specific antibody responsesE-posterImmune mechanisms of natural or post-treatment control
EPC058 Spatio-temporal estimates of risk group proportions for adolescent girls and young women across 13 priority countries in sub-Saharan AfricaE-posterRisk factors for acquisition, infectivity and transmission of HIV
EPE343 Sparking innovation with the integration of novel data visualization and geo-mapping tools into capacity building coaching sessionsE-posterInnovative uses of data to strengthen systems and programmes
EPC291 South to south learning between Uganda and Kenya to scale up access to Medically Assisted Therapy services for people who inject drugsE-posterAccess to harm reduction interventions
PEMOD65 South African adolescents living with HIV talk priorities! Longitudinal analysis of priorities of adolescent advisors living with HIV prior-to and during the COVID-19 pandemicPoster exhibitionSocial and behavioural aspects and approaches to COVID-19
EPF021 Solving the PrEP failure in the U.S.: a national PrEP financing and delivery programE-posterLaws and policies regulating access to drugs and medical devices (including intellectual property and trade regimes, competition law and price regulation)
PESAA13 Soluble interferon receptor (sIFNAR2) inhibits HIV-1 infection in macrophages through IFN-β-independent pathwaysPoster exhibitionInnate immunity (including NK cells)
461 - 470 of 2485 items