EPB028 Health related quality of life is impaired in people living with HIV and hepatic steatosisE-posterDiagnostics of co-infections and co-morbidities
EPB029 Improved tuberculosis case finding among patients with Advanced HIV Disease in Nigeria through the deployment of a point of care tuberculosis diagnostic testE-posterDiagnostics of co-infections and co-morbidities
PESAB05 Circulating mir21 and mir125b in women living with human immunodeficiency virus: utility of biomarkers for monitoring cervical carcinogenesisPoster exhibitionDiagnostics of co-infections and co-morbidities
PESAB06 Cryptococcus qPCR assays: the future for routine mycology labs and clinical trials dealing with HIV-associated cryptococcosisPoster exhibitionDiagnostics of co-infections and co-morbidities
EPE153 Social network strategy improves access to HIV services for key populations in a legally restrictive environment: findings from Lusaka ZambiaE-posterDifferentiated service delivery for HIV testing, prevention and treatment
EPE154 "We used to fear going to clinics but now health services have been brought close to us" Perceptions and experiences of key populations in Zambian with access to community-based delivered PrEPE-posterDifferentiated service delivery for HIV testing, prevention and treatment
EPE155 Pivoting differentiated distribution to improve access to medicines for PLHIV in South Africa during COVID-19E-posterDifferentiated service delivery for HIV testing, prevention and treatment
EPE156 In-use stability studies show safety of implementation of larger bottles to support multi month dispensing initiativesE-posterDifferentiated service delivery for HIV testing, prevention and treatment
EPE157 No differences in recipients of care perceived quality of care between differentiated service delivery models and conventional care in South AfricaE-posterDifferentiated service delivery for HIV testing, prevention and treatment
EPE158 Does differentiated service delivery for HIV treatment change healthcare providers workload? Provider views from Malawi, South Africa and ZambiaE-posterDifferentiated service delivery for HIV testing, prevention and treatment
531 - 540 of 2485 items