EPF120 Breaking silence: understanding administrative inclusion of LGBTQIA+ employees at Indian healthcare facilities and its impact on HIV/AIDSE-posterDiscrimination and key populations
EPF121 Factors associated with transphobia among travestis and transgender women in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: results from an open, prospective cohortE-posterDiscrimination and key populations
EPF122 Putting money where our mouth is: the importance of vastly scaled up support to stigma and discrimination reductionE-posterDiscrimination and key populations
OAF0105 Legal self-defense and access to justice for people who use drugsOral abstract session with live Q&ADiscrimination and key populations
PEMOF29 Increased frequency of experiencing multiple forms of discrimination in healthcare settings during the COVID-19 pandemic among African, Caribbean, and Black (ACB) people across CanadaPoster exhibitionDiscrimination and key populations
EPB178 Drug-drug interactions between antiretrovirals and remdesivirE-posterDrug interactions
EPB134 Multi-medicine use and potential drug'drug interactions among people living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy in AustraliaE-posterDrug-drug interaction (DDI)
EPD347 Disparity in HIV medication and viral suppression change for recent Venezuela immigrants living with HIV migrating to Miami''''''''E-posterDynamics of social status and power: Sex, gender, age, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation and disability
EPD348 The effect of internalized homophobia on social well-being among black sexual minority men living with HIV in the United States: the mediating roles of LGBT community connectedness and racial/sexual self-identityE-posterDynamics of social status and power: Sex, gender, age, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation and disability
EPD349 Surpassing the UNAIDS 3rd 95 goal through a peer led Adolescent-friendly HIV care at the largest HIV clinic in UgandaE-posterDynamics of social status and power: Sex, gender, age, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation and disability
571 - 580 of 2485 items