EPE369 The journey of postal testing for HIV and sexually transmitted infections in WalesE-posterEvaluating large-scale programmes: Approaches to rigorous evaluation
EPE370 Designing for impact: rigorous evaluation of two implementation models of a human-centered designed, direct-to-consumer digital intervention to prevent HIV and improve sexual health for Rwandan youthE-posterEvaluating large-scale programmes: Approaches to rigorous evaluation
EPE371 Private drug shops as providers of girl-friendly HIV prevention and sexual and reproductive healthcare: scaling and evaluating the Malkia Klabu intervention in TanzaniaE-posterEvaluating large-scale programmes: Approaches to rigorous evaluation
EPE309 Synergizing Health Interventions for Toronto GBMSM (SHIFT): clinicians' and community workers' perspectives on task shifting HIV prevention services in Toronto, CanadaE-posterEvidence on task sharing
EPD457 Relationship between Multi-Month ARVs Dispensing (MMD) and viral load suppression among PLHIVs accessing care in Nigeria: results from a retrospective study using 2000'2021 dataE-posterExperiences and impacts of antiretroviral therapy
EPD458 'Only if it was better': perspectives and preferences on long-acting injectable antiretroviral use among people living with HIVE-posterExperiences and impacts of antiretroviral therapy
EPD459 Poor HIV treatment adherence and barriers to medication management among adolescents in Western KenyaE-posterExperiences and impacts of antiretroviral therapy
OAD0404 Interest of people living with HIV in injectable long-acting antiretroviral treatment: results from a flash AIDES surveyOral abstract session with live Q&AExperiences and impacts of antiretroviral therapy
PEMOD55 Acceptability of raltegravir granule use for neonates diagnosed with HIV at birth by healthcare workers and caregivers in Zimbabwe: A qualitative analysisPoster exhibitionExperiences and impacts of antiretroviral therapy
EPF095 Relationship between background characteristics of MSM and transwomen experiencing sexual and gender-based violence: focus for HIV preventionE-posterExperiences and impacts of homophobia and transphobia
791 - 800 of 2485 items