EPC131 Measuring engagement with HIV care for people on antiretroviral treatment in sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping studyE-posterMonitoring and evaluation of health systems along the HIV cascade
EPC132 Assessing the impact of coronavirus (Covid-19) on reflex cryptococcal antigenaemia (CrAg) testing in South AfricaE-posterMonitoring and evaluation of health systems along the HIV cascade
EPC133 Potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on UNAIDS 95-95-95 targets in 10 Fast-Track CitiesE-posterMonitoring and evaluation of health systems along the HIV cascade
EPC134 Understanding county-level variation in ART coverage as Kenya approaches epidemic controlE-posterMonitoring and evaluation of health systems along the HIV cascade
OAC0302 The 95-95-95 UNAIDS targets mask the underlying number of people with transmissible viral load: case study of EnglandOral abstract session with live Q&AMonitoring and evaluation of health systems along the HIV cascade
OAC0304 Using two-stage inverse probability weights to correct mortality estimates for LTFU among children, adolescents and young adults living with HIV in Southern Africa: results from linkage and multi-country tracing studiesOral abstract session with live Q&AMonitoring and evaluation of health systems along the HIV cascade
PESUC19 Assessing levels of provincial HIV virological suppression in the public health sector in South Africa during the COVID-19 pandemicPoster exhibitionMonitoring and evaluation of health systems along the HIV cascade
EPC153 The contribution of binge drinking and inequitable gender norms to HIV transmission in South AfricaE-posterModelling the role of syndemics on the HIV epidemic
EPC143 Modeling HIV infections averted by treating urban, adult Zambian women at high-risk for HIV and female genital schistosomiasisE-posterModelling the impact of prevention strategies on the HIV epidemic
EPC144 Hepatitis C virus elimination among people who inject drugs living with HIV in Montreal, Canada, by 2030: a modelling studyE-posterModelling the impact of prevention strategies on the HIV epidemic
881 - 890 of 2485 items