EPC412 Extended working hours increase linkage to ART services among key populations in Kilimanjaro regionE-posterStrategies to improve HIV linkage and ART initiation
EPC413 Characterizing the impact of the Key Populations Investment Fund (KPIF) on HIV prevention and treatment programs for key populations in MalawiE-posterStrategies to improve HIV linkage and ART initiation
EPC414 Identifying HIV-infected patients at high risk of defaulting treatmentE-posterStrategies to improve HIV linkage and ART initiation
EPC415 Impact of Linkages Case Management (LCM) in improving ART initiation and early retention amongst PLHIV in EswatiniE-posterStrategies to improve HIV linkage and ART initiation
EPC416 Associations between alcohol use and antiretroviral therapy uptake among people living with HIV in Central UgandaE-posterStrategies to improve HIV linkage and ART initiation
EPC417 95,95,95 ' an analysis of linkage and retention of newly identified HIV positive key and priority populations at AIDS Information Centre (AIC) Kampala, UgandaE-posterStrategies to improve HIV linkage and ART initiation
EPC418 Antiretroviral therapy initiation at entry into HIV care, Croatia, 2015-2020E-posterStrategies to improve HIV linkage and ART initiation
EPC419 MenConnect: engaging men living with HIV through an mHealth platformE-posterStrategies to improve HIV linkage and ART initiation
EPC420 Awareness of current ART benefits and policies is associated with treatment acceptance and successful outcomes among people who inject drugs in UkraineE-posterStrategies to improve HIV linkage and ART initiation
EPC421 The effect of opioid agonist therapy on HIV care cascade among PWID in UkraineE-posterStrategies to improve HIV linkage and ART initiation
2241 - 2250 of 2485 items