EPC412 | Extended working hours increase linkage to ART services among key populations in Kilimanjaro region | E-poster | Strategies to improve HIV linkage and ART initiation |
EPC413 | Characterizing the impact of the Key Populations Investment Fund (KPIF) on HIV prevention and treatment programs for key populations in Malawi | E-poster | Strategies to improve HIV linkage and ART initiation |
EPC414 | Identifying HIV-infected patients at high risk of defaulting treatment | E-poster | Strategies to improve HIV linkage and ART initiation |
EPC415 | Impact of Linkages Case Management (LCM) in improving ART initiation and early retention amongst PLHIV in Eswatini | E-poster | Strategies to improve HIV linkage and ART initiation |
EPC416 | Associations between alcohol use and antiretroviral therapy uptake among people living with HIV in Central Uganda | E-poster | Strategies to improve HIV linkage and ART initiation |
EPC417 | 95,95,95 ' an analysis of linkage and retention of newly identified HIV positive key and priority populations at AIDS Information Centre (AIC) Kampala, Uganda | E-poster | Strategies to improve HIV linkage and ART initiation |
EPC418 | Antiretroviral therapy initiation at entry into HIV care, Croatia, 2015-2020 | E-poster | Strategies to improve HIV linkage and ART initiation |
EPC419 | MenConnect: engaging men living with HIV through an mHealth platform | E-poster | Strategies to improve HIV linkage and ART initiation |
EPC420 | Awareness of current ART benefits and policies is associated with treatment acceptance and successful outcomes among people who inject drugs in Ukraine | E-poster | Strategies to improve HIV linkage and ART initiation |
EPC421 | The effect of opioid agonist therapy on HIV care cascade among PWID in Ukraine | E-poster | Strategies to improve HIV linkage and ART initiation |