EPC207 Acceptance of HIV home self-testing to follow-up PrEP users from a community center in Barcelona. A response to the pandemic-related barriers to maintain prevention programs and scale up PrEP usageE-posterScale up of PrEP
EPD285 Acceptance-based, intersectional stigma coping intervention for people with HIV who inject drugs: an RCT in St. Petersburg, RussiaE-posterInterventions to reduce stigma and discrimination
EPD512 Access to HIV and sexual healthcare during COVID-19: gay and bisexual men's experiences during concurrent epidemicsE-posterCOVID-19 social distancing and curfews: Implications for access to HIV care
EPF159 Access to HIV care and treatment before and during the COVID-19 pandemic for Venezuelan migrants in four urban settings of ColombiaE-posterImpact of COVID-19 on HIV risk and HIV care among refugees, migrants, asylum seekers and internally displaced persons
EPD508 Access to HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) during early COVID-19 pandemic in the Republic of IrelandE-posterCOVID-19 social distancing and curfews: Implications for access to HIV care
EPD275 Access to Indigenous cultural and health Services among Indigenous people living with HIV in Ontario, Canada: findings from the Ontario HIV Treatment Network Cohort Study (OCS)E-posterIntersectional identities and multiple vulnerabilities to HIV and co-infections
EPF139 Access to pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention among young people aged 15-24: a global policy reviewE-posterPolicies regarding HIV services and programmes
EPC331 Accuracy of PrEP adherence measures among adolescents men who have sex with men and transgender women in BrazilE-posterMeasuring and enhancing retention and adherence in HIV prevention programmes
EPC358 Accuracy of the home-based rapid HIV urine antibody test and the preference among men who have sex with men: a discrete choice experiment studyE-posterHIV self-testing
EPC146 Achieving the 95-95-95 HIV cascade of care targets will not be enough to meet the incidence reduction goal among MSM in CyprusE-posterModelling the impact of prevention strategies on the HIV epidemic
111 - 120 of 2485 items