PESAA05 Activation of anti-viral innate immunity in epithelial cells as a potential cellular mechanism for preferential R5 transmission at genital mucosaPoster exhibitionHIV transmission and dissemination
EPA077 Active tuberculosis co-infection is associated with broad HIV-1 antibody responsesE-posterHIV and co-infections (TB, viral hepatitis, SARS-CoV2, other)
EPB052 Acute HCV infection followed by spontaneous clearance impact on telomere shortingE-posterViral hepatitis C and other viral hepatitis (e.g., A, B, D, E)
EPE312 Acute Respiratory Infection Incidence and outpatient antibiotic prescription patterns in people living with or without HIV infection: a virtual cohort studyE-posterSystems to deliver effective, long-term chronic care
EPD054 Adaptation of a theory-based clinic-affiliated smartphone app to improve HIV testing and pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in MalaysiaE-posterGay men other men who have sex with men
EPD167 Adapting tablet-based neuropsychological tests for luo-speaking adolescents and young adults with perinatally acquired HIV in Uganda: the translation process for two languagesE-posterYoung key populations
PEMOC42 Adding to the HIV testing services toolkit! Caregiver-assisted oral HIV screening of children 18 months ' 14 years in Uganda and ZambiaPoster exhibitionHIV self-testing
EPF099 Address gender based violence and promote access to social and legal justice among women who use drugs in Mombasa and Kilifi CountiesE-posterHuman rights programmes
EPF092 Addressing hate speech towards men who have sex with men (MSM) in the Ugandan media sectorE-posterRepresentations of stigma: Social attitudes, media and public debate
EPD130 Addressing risk for HIV through shaping landscape of Inclusion for marginalized and Vulnerable Trans-Communities in Corporate IndiaE-posterTransgender people
121 - 130 of 2485 items