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When COVID first appeared, the HIV movement quickly found ways to sustain services and adapt to include COVID awareness and prevention in their work. Since then, community responses have supported people most affected by HIV through many more challenges, from lockdowns and school closures to loss of livelihoods and a rise in GBV and human rights violations. HIV/AIDS activists have also contributed to shaping the emerging pandemic preparedness prevention and response agenda, including the international treaty on pandemics currently under development. This event will highlight the critical role that the HIV movement has played in responding to the COVID pandemic in key affected regions and in fighting for access to vaccines. Our panelists will also examine how we can ensure a strong voice for the HIV/AIDS movement in discussions on what governance and financing architecture for PPR should look like. It will also explore opportunities and challenges that the PPR agenda poses for our shared goal of ending AIDS and promote a shared understanding across global and national CSOs and HIV funders of the growing global focus on pandemic preparedness and response.

5 min
Lois CHINGANDU, Frontlineaids, South Africa
30 min
Facilitated Panel Discussion by the Chair with Three Panellists
Meg DOHERTY, World Health Organization, Switzerland
Thato CHIDARIKIRE, Dept of Health SA, South Africa
Wolfram MORGENROTH-KLEIN, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany
Arjun VASAN, U.S. Treasury, United States
20 min
Audience Q&A Faciliated by the Chair with the Three Panellists
Lois CHINGANDU, Frontlineaids, South Africa
Meg DOHERTY, World Health Organization, Switzerland
Thato CHIDARIKIRE, Dept of Health SA, South Africa
Wolfram MORGENROTH-KLEIN, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany
Arjun VASAN, U.S. Treasury, United States
5 min
Closing remarks
Lois CHINGANDU, Frontlineaids, South Africa