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Integrated services, that keep people in care, delivered at scale. This is the "holy grail" for those who design, deliver, and fund work that aims to end the HIV/AIDS pandemic by 2030. But the purpose and potential of integrated service delivery cannot be overstated - successful delivery of integrated services at scale is essential not only to end HIV/AIDS but also to make universal health coverage a reality by 2030. But, to successfully design and deliver integrated services, meaningful community involvement and leadership is essential, a factor which is all too often overlooked. This session will shine a spotlight on the people-powered models that are delivering remarkable results in HIV and Primary Health Care, openly sharing successes and challenges, with the aim of helping us to move closer to the shared vision of Universal Health Coverage, and an end to AIDS, by 2030. In this 60 min session, we will: - Showcase latest research and learnings from mothers2mothers, and other community health organisations, in a series of lightning talks; - Hear directly from community health workers at the leading edge of integrated service delivery, about the gains and frustrations they experience; - Understand more from policymakers and funders about how integrated service delivery is being prioritised and supported; - Discuss and debate as a community. The session will be delivered live and in person, and will be broadcast live allowing for remote participation.

5 min
Welcome remarks
Shombi ELLIS, mothers2mothers, South Africa
5 min
Frontline testimony on the impact of integrated services
Limpho NTEKO, mothers2mothers, Lesotho
10 min
Keynote Presentation: The Impact of integrating HIV/NCD services in South Africa
Nakululombe KWENDENI, mothers2mothers, South Africa
Lazola MAKHUPULA, mothers2mothers, South Africa
15 min
Lightning Presentations
Dorothy MBORI-NGACHA, UNICEF, United States
Rebecca ALBAN, VillageReach, Spain
15 min
Audience Q&A, using Mentimeter to allow for hybrid in person and online participation
Nakululombe KWENDENI, mothers2mothers, South Africa
Lazola MAKHUPULA, mothers2mothers, South Africa
Limpho NTEKO, mothers2mothers, Lesotho
Rebecca ALBAN, VillageReach, Spain
Dorothy MBORI-NGACHA, UNICEF, United States
Shombi ELLIS, mothers2mothers, South Africa
5 min
Concluding remarks
Sinit MEHTSUN, Gilead - BCD, United States
5 min
Vote of thanks and close
Shombi ELLIS, mothers2mothers, South Africa