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The U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has supported countries and communities to build robust public health foundations forged through two decades and nearly $100 billion of investments in the global AIDS response and partner country health systems. Across 55 countries, through more than $1 billion in annual local health systems strengthening assistance, PEPFAR supports networked programs at more than 70,000 facility and community health clinics linked to 3,000 laboratories, nearly 300,000 health care workers, expansive supply chains for health care commodities, and strong systems for health data collection and use. Over the past two years, these capacities have been vital in advancing HIV gains and serving as the backbone of the COVID-19 response, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. This session will feature specific country examples of how the PEPFAR platform has been leveraged to expand access to HIV prevention and treatment services, support millions of COVID-19 vaccinations, rapidly deploy hundreds of thousands of health care workers, strengthen global health security - and what we can learn for the future of pandemic preparedness and response.

5 min
Framing Remarks
John NKENGASONG, U.S. Department of State, United States
8 min
Core Topic 1A: Whole of PEPFAR approach to adapt programming in response to the Pandemic - Adapting to COVID – a whole of PEPFAR perspective and the work of the COVID ST3
Godfrey CATHERINE, Department of State, United States
12 min
Core Topic 1B: Whole of PEPFAR approach to adapt programming in response to the Pandemic - Adapting Country Programs Case Example: Kenya
Lucy N'GANGA, CDC, Kenya
15 min
Core Topic 2A: Leveraging the platform in direct response to COVID-19 - Leveraging laboratory platforms to support COVID-19 diagnostics, genomic sequencing, and data management
Mcpaul OKOYO, CDC, Nigeria
10 min
Core Topic 2B: Leveraging the platform in direct response to COVID-19 - Leveraging Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) to Support HIV and SARS-CoV-2 Testing in Zimbabwe
Prisca CHIKWANDA, CDC, Zimbabwe
10 min
Core Topic 3A: Continuously advancing the HIV mission by expanding access to care while protecting the vulnerable - From policy to action: Infection Protection and Control: the PEPFAR response to COVID-19
Anand DATE, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, United States
10 min
Core Topic 3B: Continuously advancing the HIV mission by expanding access to care while protecting the vulnerable -Expanding access to COVID-19 vaccination among key populations in Zambia
Daniel SINCLAIR, USAID, Zambia
15 min
Conclusion and Q & A
Godfrey CATHERINE, Department of State, United States
Lucy N'GANGA, CDC, Kenya
Mcpaul OKOYO, CDC, Nigeria
Prisca CHIKWANDA, CDC, Zimbabwe
Anand DATE, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, United States
Daniel SINCLAIR, USAID, Zambia
William PAUL, PEPFAR, United States
John NKENGASONG, U.S. Department of State, United States
5 min
William PAUL, PEPFAR, United States